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Tūhonohono mai
ki Ngātokowaru Marae
He kōrero mō
Ngātokowaru Marae
Ngātokowaru marae and Ngāti Pareraukawa have been resident at Hōkio since the mid-19th century. Ngāti Pareraukawa is a hapū of Ngāti Raukawa. Ngātokowaru is also one of seven Ngāti Huia marae in the Ngāti Raukawa rohe.
When the whare tupuna was opened in March 1978, it was acknowledged that Ngātokowaru would welcome all people who came there. A tribal committee was formed 75 years ago on 7th July 1946 and it has maintained the marae since that time.
Ngāti Pareraukawa exists to advance the social, cultural and educational development of Ngāti Pareraukawa, Ngāti Raukawa and the wider community. We consider the marae to be our principal home and recognise that our people are our wealth.

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