Message from the Raukawa ki te Tonga Trust
The Raukawa ki te Tonga Trust manages assets for Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, focusing on benefits from the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Settlement. Its main duties include overseeing fisheries assets, providing funding for marae and iwi initiatives, keeping a member register and distributing fish to eligible members. The Trust is committed to promoting the economic, social and cultural growth of the iwi and hapū of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga.
Why register?
Registering connects you with your iwi/hapū/marae/whānau; gives you access to iwi benefits, which currently include marae and iwi entity funding and fish distributions; keeps you updated on iwi business, including Raukawa-wide activities/hui; and allows you to vote in trustee elections and have a direct say in decisions that affect you and your whānau.
Registering our people is an ongoing process. You can help by encouraging your whānau networks to register, by collecting registrations on behalf of your whānau, by helping kaumātua and rangatahi to register, and by advising the Trust of changes to contact details, births and family bereavements.
Register now by creating a MāoriMe profile
Set up a MāoriMe profile to start your registration. Think you’re already registered? Please continue to set up a MāoriMe profile.
MāoriMe allows you to interact directly with the Trust and the information we hold about you. Please set up a profile through MāoriMe (whether you are registered or not). Add as little or as much information as you like – we need at least your full name, date of birth, whakapapa details and email address at this point. Here’s what happens with your information:
If you are registered on our member database your details will be ‘matched’ with what we have in our database. If you are matched this means you can login to MāoriMe anytime and update your details with us and that will automatically update our member database. We will let you know whether you’ve been matched.
If you are not registered on our member database a registration application will automatically be generated for you. We may need to seek further information from you to confirm that you are in fact from Ngāti Raukawa. We will then get your registration verified from a kaumātua from your hapū, and we'll let you know once your registration has been verified.
Or register by downloading a form
If you can't register online, download a printable registration form. Complete the form, scan and email it to: registrations@raukawakitetonga.maori.nz, or post to
Raukawa ki te Tonga Trust & Raukawa ki te Tonga AHC Limited
PO Box 15012, Ōtaki, 5512
144 Tasman Road, ŌTAKI
To update your details
Please email the Trust at registrations@raukawakitetonga.maori.nz if you would like to:
Update your details
Notify us of a new child or a family bereavement.
Check if you are registered
Need help with registrations
For Registration and MāoriMe FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) select here.
Tūhono is an independent organisation for iwi and government agencies that assists with the use of Māori data to support iwi strategic goals. Your contact details can be shared with your iwi to ensure your data remains current. To join Tūhono please select here.
Ngāti Raukawa ki uta, Ngāti Raukawa ki tai
Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga refers to Ngāti Raukawa iwi in the lower North Island of Aotearoa, not the South Waikato based Ngāti Raukawa. Both iwi are connected through whakapapa, but are separate. If you want to get in touch with Ngāti Raukawa based in South Waikato, please visit their website https://raukawa.org.nz/.