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Ngātokowaru Marae Hapū Plan 2024-2030


Updated: Nov 18, 2024


Ngāti Pareraukawa has been based at Hōkio since the 19th century. A tribal committee was formed on 7 July 1946, known as the Ngātokowaru Tribal Committee. Since then, this committee has taken responsibility for the affairs of the marae. The history of the marae is in part recorded in eight minute books that are available for reading at the Te Wānanga o Raukawa whare pukapuka (library). The meeting house, which was opened on Christmas Day 1900, was replaced in the mid-1970s with a new carved and decorated house, opened in March 1978. When this new house was planned and built it was affirmed that it was to be for the iwi and hapū and this intention has been a reality. Many groups have visited and stayed at Ngātokowaru over the past 50 years and continue to do so. As our building programme has been completed, the facilities are attractive for educational and cultural programmes and Ngātokowaru is a popular venue for many.

In 1974, the marae was gazetted as a Reservation and trustees appointed by the Māori Land Court. In 2008 the Marae Committee registered as a Charitable Entity - Registration CC20480. The Marae Trustees are trustees for the Marae reservation Horowhenua XIB41A3 and for the urupā Raumatangi B4 for the driveway to the marae (and until 2010 Raumatangi B2). The first 3 blocks are owned and maintained by the Marae Committee and the Marae Trustees.

In 2003, Ngāti Pareraukawa developed a Hapū Plan based on the principles adopted by the Raukawa Trustees in 1975 to guide Whakatupuranga Rua Mano – Generation 2000. The Hapū Plan is revised every 2 years providing a guideline for priorities and at the end of each year a measure of our achievements. It is also used for whānau to make commitments to participate in or lead particular activities.

We committed to Te Huarahi o te Ora for the 6 year period 2006 – 2012, and this was recorded in the book Māori mentoring and pathways to wellbeing: Te Huarahi o te Ora (2013). It is published by Te Wānanga o Raukawa.

In 2023 and 2024 we committed to uplift the capacity of Ngāti Pareraukawa by offering a te reo programme for the hapū. It was named Te Reo o Hinepūororangi as we descend from Hinepūororangi. More than a hundred whānau from near and far enrolled for the 2 hour weekly evening sessions that were then supported by quarterly noho marae. It has brought many whānau home in person and via the internet from Australia and the UK. The marae has benefitted by the return of many learners and they have enjoyed the opportunity to learn from our own kaiako.

Over two decades, we have committed to the Hapū Plan that has helped to focus our attention on a broad range of activities. The overall goal has been to promote the wellbeing of hapū members, maintain the marae, buildings, urupā, driveway (the named land blocks) stream, and encourage greater participation each year by whānau at the marae.


How have we done? We built a new ablution block in 2005 and re-roofed all buildings, upgraded the ablution block further in 2021, and maintained our complex.

Pareunuora, the wharekai, has new heat pumps, new curtains, tables and chairs, as well a new commercial kitchen with both gas and electric cooking options. Water heating for the marae complex is gas and solar energy powered.

We are the first marae in the region to declare our status as a para kore marae. We confirmed being a smoke-free, alcohol-free, drug-free marae over 30 years, in line with the “healthy life-styles, healthy marae, our children are our future” kaupapa.

In 2020-21, we were successful as recipients of a Provincial Growth Fund grant to upgrade the 19 year old water reticulation system, install new carpet, insulation, and upgrade the driveway and fences. This project was completed in 2021.

The four principles that guided our 20th century focus have remained the same:

Within each of these guiding kaupapa we set goals for the attention of the hapū.

Our people are our wealth

  1. Promote a healthy marae and healthy lifestyles.

  2. Promote education through study at Te Wānanga o Raukawa and other places.

  3. Plan 3 annual hui - promote whanaungatanga, wairuatanga, pūkengatanga.

  4. To support hui that explore moko kauae within the hapū.

  5. Prepare for Treaty hearings from Feb 2020 to 2024.

  6. Develop knowledge of tikanga and kawa of Ngāti Pareraukawa.

  7. Foster the participation of kaumātua in marae activities.

  8. Increase numbers registered with the hapū.

  9. Grow the hapū register.

Our marae is our principal home

  1. Maintain the buildings, flagpole, stream and urupā.

  2. Upgrade ablution block: Gas & plumbing, pumps & water pressure.

  3. Insulate main buildings, line mattress room, carpet whare tupuna.

  4. Grade, metal and seal the driveway (2021).

  5. Purchase chairs to complete dining room furniture upgrade.

  6. Repair playground, lay concrete pad beside rangatahi room.

  7. Seek funding for conservation of photographs project.

  8. Explore upgrades to the entrance to the whare tupuna.

  9. Return land to the marae footprint.

Te reo is a taonga

  1. Promote the use of te reo.

  2. Increase the number of whānau who know our waiata.

  3. Support kaikaranga and kaikōrero.

  4. Increase whānau studying Heke Reo and Pūtaiao studies at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.

  5. Support whānau enrolled in Te Reo o Hinepūororangi 2023-2024.


  1. Increase the numbers actively participating at Ngātokowaru.

  2. Develop active groups to promote whanaungatanga activities.

  3. Identify whānau with business skills and knowledge.

  4. Be an environmentally conscious marae/para kore.

  5. Identify our resources and multiply them, including financial.

  6. Strengthen rangatahi as Ngāti Pareraukawa.

  7. Increase our understanding of our Treaty Claims.

  8. Conserve and restore our taonga, photographs, manuscripts.

  9. Encourage whānau to increase knowledge of Koputara and Pekapeka Land Blocks.

This is the 2023-2024 version of the Ngātokowaru Hapū Plan. If you have an interest in supporting the activities in this plan, contact the Ngātokowaru Marae Committee.

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